Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Exit 3 - Change

No one likes change. Most of us are happy to stay snuggled in our little worlds; our cocoons of safety and familiarity. While we rest there, it is much easier to turn your back to the nasties that life can throw at you. But what happens when this little cocoon of familiarity is really a cocoon of bad habits, a cocoon of untruths, a cocoon that is dangerous and harmful? What then? These can be just as familiar and comforting, but they are also disillusioning, deceptive and cruel. Bad habits can sometimes feel safe because they don't force you to face life and step outside your comfort zone. By this fear and inability to face change, you allow these bad habits to become more and more the norm; a norm that may not be normal at all. Before you know it, these bad habits become reality...what then? What do you do when you have to change? What do you do when you have that "Eureka!" moment where you realize that if you don't change your ways that something bad is going to happen? Where will you be when this bad thing happens and all you have is that cocoon that is now no longer safe? These are the questions that I have been asking myself.

I think that I have finally reached that point of clarity that is telling me that unless I change my ways, I will never be able to have the things that I want or achieve the comforts of life that I so desperately desire. Thankfully, I got the inkling that I needed this change several months ago when I started talking to D. She has helped me to see that I am able to change and that the responsibility to control this change actually lies with me. No one can do it for me. It wasn't until this past weekend though that I realized I have no choice but to change. It is time to get serious about taking the steps needed to redirect the aspects of my life that are unsatisfying and cause me anxiety. But that is easier said than done. The realization that I have no choice but to get out of bed, step out of this comfort zone and get on with life is the first step. Baby steps....baby steps. One day at a time. One change of thought at a time. Pennies make dollars, right? It's what I'm counting on....

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