Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Exit 7 - The year End/Begining

New Year's is such a peculiar time. In some ways it is completely wonderful and in others, it is quite difficult. It is a time when we are supposed to reflect upon the year that has passed and also make plans for year that is just being born. We make resolutions and promises to ourselves to improve upon those things that we have either neglected or failed at over the last 365 days. At the same time, we are supposed to reflect upon all of our triumphs and accomplishments. I find it difficult to both look at the past and the future at the same time with through rose colored glasses. I don't understand how some people do it.

New Years is particularly difficult for the single and lonely. While I am completely surrounded by people that love me, whether they be friends or family, I still have not been able to grasp a relationship of my own. It is another year gone and sadly to say, it is the first year in the past decade that I can say that i have not had a romantic relationship of any form. At no point over the past 365 days would I say that I have been able to call anyone my boyfriend and vice-versa. This has not been a good year for me in that regards. People keep telling me to be patient and that it will happen when "I least expect it." I do indeed worry that I am getting to point that not only do I not expect it, but rather, I have lost my hope and faith in it. I also find that those people that tell me to be patient are those that are in relationships themselves. It is very disheartening. In 10 years, am I going to be sitting here...still alone? In 20, 30? Am I doomed to always roam around on my own? I know it's silly, but unfortunately this time of year totally brings out these thoughts.

That's not to say that the recent year has not been good to me, though. I have done quite well at work. My family and friends are still ever-important and supportive of me. They keep me in this big game of life.

My resolutions:
1. Get more serious about exercising and eating more healthy
2. Like myself a little more every day.

Hope you had a great 2007 but ,even more than that, I hope that your 2008 is nothing less than stellar!


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